Inspiring growth, enriching communities, and transforming lives.

About the Foundation

The Wenty Ford Sports Foundation operates as a public charity and a non-profit organization (501c-3), firmly committed to nurturing and empowering the youth. Established on September 1, 2022, our foundation is dedicated to fostering the growth and potential of young individuals aged 5 to 12.

We achieve this by imparting fundamental skills in various sports disciplines while also emphasizing the cultivation of leadership qualities, academic advancement, community enrichment, and a spirit of service.

Our overarching goal is to create a positive and holistic impact on the lives of these budding talents, setting them on a path toward personal development and community betterment.

baseball player


  • Establish and maintain programmatic initiatives geared toward youth development in the inner cities.
  • Teach the basic physical & developmental skills of different sporting disciplines.
  • To provide essential mentorship, mental health, and academic support services/ resources for student-athletes.
  • To foster a culture of community service, building, and involvement.
  • To foster the development of essential life management and leadership mastery skills.
  • To instill strong moral values.
  • To provide support to other Sports Foundation(s), organizations, and or programmatic initiatives that coincide with our overall foundation objectives.
baseball player
Mission Statement

The mission is to provide inner-city children with an opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of different sporting disciplines. In addition, the organization will focus on building leadership skills, promoting academic excellence, and community development and service. With a focus on inclusivity and accessibility, we create an environment where every child can dream big, achieve their potential, and contribute positively to society.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to become a beacon of hope and transformation for young minds across communities. We envision a world where education and sports stand hand in hand, empowering youth to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Through our innovative programs, we aspire to nurture a generation of individuals who are not just skilled and accomplished but also empowered with the confidence to lead, the empathy to serve, and the determination to make a positive impact.